Saturday 28 April 2012

God, you, and me..

"Every relationship is messed up.
What makes it perfect is if you still want to be together
when things get hard and complicated."

"Relationship is not about finding the right person,
but creating the right relationship.
It's not about how much we care in the beginning,
but how much we care till the very end."

those quotes are very strengthen me. well, this time i feel my relationship is so-so. boring, yes. nothing special, yes. i mean my relationship is special, but everyday we just do nothing special that can make me smiling every night before i go to sleep. we meet everyday but we just do our daily activities, sending short messages and teaching. sending messages with just daily questions and conversations. no teasing, well just a lil bit. much arguing, yes. i mean, what should we do? it seems like our relationship is reaching the saturation point. i know it is normal. every relationship definitely reached the saturation point. but, how do we pass it?

our relationship will turn to our 2nd anniversary (our 2 years) four days to come. honestly, we've never had a relationship as long as we have now. so maybe, we don't know what should we do to pass it. the reasons we still keep our relationship are our promise, our commitment, and yes, we still find the love in our heart. i just hope that we could pass it together and our relationship is growing mature and mature, so do ourselves. God, i ask Your mercy and blessing upon us..

"Because it takes the three to make a true and perfect love..
God, you, and me.."

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