Friday, 10 August 2012

love the glowing things :)

i really love everything that glows. i love them so much much much. when i'm looking at them, i feel soooo happyyyyy. really. and there are my favourite of glowing things :

i haven't seen fireflies before, but i'm curious what they do like. i've just seen them on movies or television. they look gorgeous in there. i really want to see them someday :)

i love seeing them hanged on the rope or cable. i love seeing them brighten the street. uuuu :3

i know this kind of lanterns when i watched Rapunzel (a Tangled Tale Movie). in that movie, the king and queen blow away the flying lanterns every year to remember their missing princess who was kidnapped by the witch. when i saw the flying lanterns, i'm falling in love with them. i know that flying lanterns is real in the real life. there is written wish in every lantern and they blew away every year to celebrate the festival, but i forget in which country. i hope someday i can see and blow away the flying lanterns too. hihi :D

i love seeing the fireworks in the sky every new year. they are too sweet with different colors and different types. even in some countries, the government show the fireworks in order to celebrate something important to their countries. and the fireworks are so great in there. i want to see them too! aaaaaa

i love when they glows in different colors in the middle of the darkness. i used to collect them every moment when i went to the fair. i brought them home and put them in the freezer because my mom told me that the glow would be still exist if they were put in the freezer. and it worked! they were still glowing for the couple of days. hahaha.

and the MOST of my favourite is STARS. i saw the starry night in Jogja for the first time. the sky was so full of the stars everywhere. it was 5 years ago and i was totally amazed with it. ohmygod, it was so gorgeous. i began falling in love with it since 5 years ago. then, i hope i can see that starry night again in Jakarta, but it is so hard to see it because of the polluted air. sigh. i just can see 2 or sometimes 5 stars, and even there are no stars in the sky for some days. if i'm lucky, i can see 10 or 20 stars, but it's so rare. ckck. i saw the starry night again in Lembang 3 years ago. i was totally amazed again. hahaha. i wish i can see the stars with the telescope in Bosscha and i can see the starry nights everynight. is that possible? hemm..

courtesy of Google for the pics :)

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